
Ata 100 Chapters Pdf

  1. ATA chapters (sometimes called 'ATA 100 System Codes') are a way of categorizing the various systems that are on a plane, originally created by the Air Transport Association in 1956. Look at any Component Maintenance Manual (CMM) for any civilian aircraft. At the bottom of every single page is the ATA chapter for that manual.
  2. ATA 100 Chapters Complete List ATA Chapter Codes, ATA 100 ATA (Air transportation Association) published a numbering system to learn and understand the technical features of an Aircraft. ATA chapters makes it easy to categorize technical information. ATA Specification 2200.

ATA Classification

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Ata 100 Chapters Pdf Online


ATA Number ATA Chapter name; ATA 01: Reserved for Airline Use: ATA 02: Reserved for Airline Use: ATA 03: Reserved for Airline Use: ATA 04: Reserved for Airline Use: ATA 05: TIME LIMITS/MAINTENANCE CHECKS: ATA 06: DIMENSIONS AND AREAS: ATA 07: LIFTING AND SHORING: ATA 08: LEVELING AND WEIGHING. ATA 09: TOWING AND TAXI: ATA 10: PARKING, MOORING.

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A numerical technical classification of all the systems and sub systems on an aircraft which is universally used in aircraft engineering and aircraft maintenance. It was developed by the former Air Transport Association (ATA) since renamed Airlines for America (A4A). Following its first issue in 1956, the classification has been adopted industry-wide in aircraft engineering and maintenance documentation. It is based on 100 numbered categories grouped into 'Chapters' within which there are numbered sections and sub sections. This original classification, the ATA ‘spec 100’ was last revised in 1999 and in 2000 it was incorporated with another ATA 'spec 2100' which had been developed to define specifications for electronic technical data interchange into a new ATA 'iSpec 2200' called 'Information Standards for Aviation Maintenance'. At issue, the ATA described 'iSpec 2200' as 'a global aviation industry standard for the content, structure, and electronic exchange of aircraft engineering, maintenance, and flight operations information'. Iphone 4 patch download. It consists of a suite of data specifications pertaining to maintenance requirements and procedures, aircraft configuration control, and flight operations.

Ata 100 Chapters Pdf


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Ata 100 Chapters Pdf Download

ATA 100 ATA 100 contains the reference to the ATA numbering system which was a common referencing standard for all commercial aircraft documentation. This commonality permits greater ease of learning and understanding for pilots, aircraft maintenance technicians, and engineers alike. The standard numbering system was published by the Air Transport Association on June 1, 1956. While the ATA 100 numbering system has been superseded, it continued to be widely used until it went out of date back in 2015, especially in documentation for general aviation aircraft, on aircraft Fault Messages (for Post Flight Troubleshooting and Repair) and the electronic and printed manuals.
1.1 Aircraft General
The Joint Aircraft System/Component (JASC) Code Tables was a modified version of the Air Transport Association of America (ATA), Specification 100 code. It was developed by the FAA’s, Regulatory Support Division (AFS-600). This code table was constructed by using the new JASC code four digit format, along with an abbreviated code title. The abbreviated titles have been modified in some cases to clarify the intended use of the accompanying code. The final version of the JASC/ATA 100 code was released by the FAA in 1999.[1]
2.1 ATA Specification 2200
In 2000 the ATA Technical Information and Communications Committee (TICC) developed a new consolidated specification for the commercial aviation industry, ATA iSpec 2200. It includes an industry-wide approach for aircraft system numbering, as well as formatting and data content standards for documentation output. The main objectives of the new specification are to minimize cost and effort expended by operators and manufacturers, improve information quality and timeliness, and facilitate manufacturers’ delivery of data that meet airline operational needs.[2] More recently, the international aviation community developed the S1000D standard, an XML specification for preparing, managing, and using equipment maintenance and operations information.
02 *Reserved for Airline Use
1.2 Airframe systems 1.3 Structure 1.4 Propeller/rotor 1.5 Power plant
2 ATA extended list (Out Of Date)
The ATA extended List is a breakdown to para (second two numbers e.g. 5-00) and sub para (third two numbers e.g. 5-10-00) for each ATA chapter. 2.1.1 ATA Number and Para 01 *Reserved for Airline Use 03 *Reserved for Airline Use 04 *Reserved for Airline Use 05 TIME LIMITS/ MAINTENANCE CHECKS −00 General −10 Time Limits −20 Scheduled Maintenance Checks −30 & −40 Reserved −50 Unscheduled Maintenance checks 06 DIMENSIONS AND AREAS
The unique aspect of the chapter numbers is its relevance 07 LIFTING & SHORING for all aircraft. Thus a chapter reference number for a Boeing 747 will be the same for other Boeing aircraft, a −00 General BAe 125 and Airbus Aircraft. Examples of this include −10 Jacking Oxygen (Chapter 35), Electrical Power (Chapter 24) and −20 Shoring Doors (Chapter 52). 08 LEVELING & WEIGHING
−00 General
ATA Chapters (Out Of Date)
−10 Weighing and Balancing −20 Leveling 1
09 TOWING & TAXIING −00 General −10 Towing −20 Taxiing
22 AUTO FLIGHT −00 General −10 Autopilot −20 Speed-Attitude Correction
−30 Auto Throttle
−50 Aerodynamic Load Alleviating
−00 General
−40 System Monitor
−10 Exterior Color Schemes and Markings −20 Exterior Placards and Markings
−00 General
−30 Interior Placards
−10 Speech Communications
12 SERVICING −00 General
−15 SATCOM −20 Data Transmission and Automatic Calling
−10 Replenishing
−30 Passenger Address, Entertainment and Comfort
−20 Scheduled Servicing
−40 Interphone
−30 Unscheduled Servicing
−50 Audio Integrating
13 Unservicing 14 Reservicing 15 Ops Check Good 16 *Unassigned 17 *Unassigned 18 VIBRATION AND NOISE ANALYSIS (HELICOPTER ONLY) −00 GENERAL −10 VIBRATION ANALYSIS −20 NOISE ANALYSIS 19 *Unassigned
−60 Static Discharging −70 Audio & Video Monitoring −80 Integrated Automatic Tuning 24 ELECTRICAL POWER −00 General −10 Generator Drive −20 AC Generation −30 DC Generation −40 External Power −50 AC Electrical Load Distribution −60 DC Electrical Load Distribution
20 STANDARD PRACTICES-AIRFRAME 25 EQUIPMENT/FURNISHINGS −00 Electrical Standard Items/Practices −90 *Reserved for Airline Use 21 AIR CONDITIONING
−00 General −10 Flight Compartment −20 Passenger Compartment
−00 Air Conditioning - General
−30 Galley
−10 Compression
−40 Lavatories
−20 Distribution
−50 Additional Compartments
−30 Pressurization Control
−60 Emergency
−40 Heating
−70 Available
−50 Cooling −60 Temperature Control −70 Moisture/Air Contaminant Control
−80 Insulation 26 FIRE PROTECTION
ATA Specification 2200
−00 General
−00 General
−10 Detection
−10 Instrument & Control Panels
−20 Extinguishing
−20 Independent Instruments
−30 Explosion Suppression
−30 Recorders −40 Central Computers
27 FLIGHT CONTROLS −00 General −10 Aileron & Tab −20 Rudder & Tab −30 Elevator & Tab −40 Horizontal Stabilizer −50 Flaps −60 Spoiler, Drag Devices and Variable Aerodynamic Fairings
−50 Central Warning Systems −60 Central Display Systems −70 Automatic Data Reporting Systems 32 LANDING GEAR −00 General −10 Main Gear and Doors −20 Nose Gear and Doors −30 Extension and Retraction
−70 Gust Lock & Dampener
−40 Wheels and Brakes
−80 Lift Augmenting
−50 Steering
28 FUEL −00 General −10 Storage −20 Distribution −30 Dump −40 Indicating 29 HYDRAULIC POWER
−60 Position Indication and Warning −70 Supplementary Gear 33 LIGHTS −00 General −10 Flight Compartment −20 Passenger Compartment −30 Cargo and Service Compartments −40 Exterior −50 Emergency Lighting
−00 General −10 Main −20 Auxiliary −30 Indicating 30 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION
34 NAVIGATION −00 General −10 Flight Environment Data −20 Attitude & Direction −30 Landing and Taxiing Aids
−00 General
−40 Independent Position Determining
−10 Airfoil
−50 Dependent Position Determining
−20 Air Intakes
−60 Flight Management Computing
−30 Pitot and Static −40 Windows, Windshields and Doors
−50 Antennas and Radomes
−00 General
−60 Propellers/Rotors
−10 Crew
−70 Water Lines
−20 Passenger
−80 Detection
−30 Portable
2 −00 General −10 Distribution −20 Indicating
37 VACUUM −00 General −10 Distribution −20 Indicating 38 WATER/WASTE −00 General −10 Potable −20 Wash −30 Waste Disposal −40 Air Supply
46 INFORMATION SYSTEMS −00 General −10 Airplane General Information Systems −20 Flight Deck Information Systems −30 Maintenance Information Systems −40 Passenger Cabin Information Systems −50 Miscellaneous Information Systems 47 NITROGEN GENERATION SYSTEM 48 *Unassigned 49 AIRBORNE AUXILIARY POWER −00 General −10 Power Plant −20 Engine −30 Engine Fuel and Control
39 *Unassigned
−40 Ignition/Starting
40 *Unassigned
−50 Air
−60 Engine Controls
−00 General −10 Storage −20 Dump −30 Indication
−70 Indicating −80 Exhaust −90 Oil 50 CARGO AND ACCESSORY COMPARTMENTS
42 Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA)
−00 General
43 *Unassigned
−10 Cargo Compartments
−20 Cargo Loading Systems
−00 General −10 Cabin Core System −20 In-flight Entertainment System −30 External Communication System −40 Cabin Mass Memory System −50 Cabin Monitoring System −60 Miscellaneous Cabin System 45 CENTRAL MAINTENANCE SYSTEM (CMS) −00 General −5 thru −19 CMS/Aircraft General −20 thru −49 CMS/Airframe Systems
−30 Cargo Related Systems −40 Available −50 Accessory −60 Insulation 51 STANDARD PRACTICES, GENERAL −00 General −10 Investigation, Cleanup and Aerodynamic Smoothness −20 Processes −30 Materials −40 Fasteners
−45 Central Maintenance System
−50 Support of Airplane for Repair and Alignment Check Procedures
−50 thru −59 CMS/Structures
−60 Control-Surface Balancing
−60 thru −69 CMS/Propellers
−70 Repairs
−70 thru −89 CMS/Power Plant
−80 Electrical Bonding
ATA Specification 2200
52 DOORS −00 General
5 58 *Unassigned 59 *Reserved for Airline Use
−10 Passenger/Crew
−20 Emergency Exit
−30 Cargo −40 Service and Miscellaneous
−00 General
−50 Fixed Interior
−10 Propeller Assembly
−60 Entrance Stairs
−20 Controlling
−70 Monitoring and Operation
−30 Braking
−80 Landing Gear
−40 Indicating
53 FUSELAGE −00 General −10 thru −90 (As Required) Fuselage Sections 54 NACELLES/PYLONS −00 General −10 thru −40 (As Required) Nacelle Section −50 thru −80 (As Required) Pylon 55 STABILIZERS −00 General −10 Horizontal Stabilizer or Canard −20 Elevator −30 Vertical Stabilizer −40 Rudder 56 WINDOWS −00 General −10 Flight Compartment −20 Passenger Compartment −30 Door −40 Inspection and Observation 57 WINGS
−50 Propulsor Duct 62 ROTOR(S) −00 General −10 Rotor blades −20 Rotor head(s) −30 Rotor Shaft(s)/Swashplate Assy(ies) −40 63 ROTOR DRIVE(S) −00 General −10 Engine/Gearbox couplings −20 Gearbox(es) −30 Mounts, attachments −40 Indicating 64 TAIL ROTOR −00 General −10* Rotor blades −20* Rotor head −30 Available −40 Indicating
−00 General −10 Center Wing −20 Outer Wing −30 Wing Tip
65 TAIL ROTOR DRIVE −00 General
−40 Leading Edge and Leading Edge Devices
−10 Shafts
−50 Trailing Edge Trailing Edge Devices
−20 Gearboxes
−60 Ailerons and Elevons
−30 Available
−70 Spoilers
−40 Indicating
−80 (as required) −90 Wing Folding System
2 −00 General −10 Rotor blades −20 Tail pylon −30 Controls and Indicating
67 ROTORS FLIGHT CONTROL −00 General −10 Rotor −20 Anti-torque Rotor control (Yaw control) −30 Servo-control System
74 IGNITION −00 General −10 Electrical Power −20 Distribution −30 Switching 75 AIR −00 General −10 Engine Anti-Icing −20 Cooling
68 *Unassigned
−30 Compressor Control
69 *Unassigned
−40 Indicating
70 STANDARD PRACTICES - ENGINES 71 POWER PLANT −00 General −10 Cowling −20 Mounts −30 Fireseals
76 ENGINE CONTROLS −00 General −10 Power Control −20 Emergency Shutdown 77 ENGINE INDICATING
−40 Attach Fittings −50 Electrical Harness
−00 General
−60 Air Intakes
−10 Power
−70 Engine Drains
−20 Temperature −30 Analyzers
72 ENGINE TURBINE/TURBO PROP DUCTED FAN/UNDUCTED FAN −00 General −10 Reduction Gear, Shaft Section (TurboProp and/or Front Mounted Gear Driven Propulsor) −20 Air Inlet Section −30 Compressor Section −40 Combustion Section −50 Turbine Section −60 Accessory Drives
−40 Integrated Engine Instrument Systems 78 EXHAUST −00 General −10 Collector/Nozzle −20 Noise Suppressor −30 Thrust Reverser −40 Supplementary Air 79 OIL
−70 By-pass Section
−00 General
−80 Propulsor Section (Rear Mounted)
−10 Storage
73 ENGINE FUEL AND CONTROL −00 General −10 Distribution
−20 Distribution −30 Indicating 80 STARTING
−20 Controlling
−00 General
−30 Indicating
−10 Cranking
7 81 TURBINES −00 General −10 Power Recovery −20 Turbo-Supercharger 82 WATER INJECTION
102 *Do not use 103 *Do not use 104 *Do not use 105 *Do not use 106 *Do not use 107 *Do not use 108 *Do not use
−00 General
109 *Do not use
−10 Storage
110 *Do not use
−20 Distribution −30 Dumping and Purging −40 Indicating 83 ACCESSORY GEAR-BOXES
111 *Do not use 112 *Do not use 113 *Do not use 114 *Do not use 115 FLIGHT SIMULATOR SYSTEMS
−00 General −10 Drive Shaft Section −20 Gearbox Section 84 PROPULSION AUGMENTATION
2.1.2 ATA Para and Sub Para Numbers −00-00 General −01-00 Zone 100 Fuselage Lower
−00 General −10 Jet Assist Takeoff 85 RECIPROCATING ENGINE −00 General −10 Fuel Cell Stack
−02-00 Zone 200 Fuselage Top −03-00 Zone 300 Stabilizers −04-00 Zone 400 Nacelles-Pylons −05-00 Zone 500 Left Wing −06-00 Zone 600 Right Wing −07-00 Zone 700 Landing Gear Compartment
86 *Unassigned
−08-00 Zone 800 Doors
87 *Unassigned
−09-00 Zone 900 Lavatories & Galleys
88 *Unassigned 89 *Unassigned 90 *Unassigned
3 See also
91 CHARTS 92 *Unassigned 93 *Unassigned 94 *Unassigned
• Air Transport Association • S1000D
95 *Reserved for Airline Use 96 *Reserved for Airline Use
4 External links
97 WIRING REPORTING 98 *Reserved for Airline Use 99 *Unassigned 100 *Do not use 101 *Do not use
• For a list of the chapter headings • S-TechEnterprises ATA Chapter list • JASC Codes PDF
[1] MONRONEY, MIKE. “FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION JOINT AIRCRAFT SYSTEM/COMPONENT CODE TABLE AND DEFINITIONS” (PDF). FAA. Retrieved 22 November 2013. [2] Lowe, David. “From Paper to Interactive Electronic Technical Publications” (PDF). Immedius Inc. Retrieved 22 November 2013.
• ATA Specification 100 - Specification for Manufacturers’ Technical Data, Revision No. 37 (1999). Air Transport Association of America.
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