
Periodic Table Testing Game

Introduction to the Periodic Table; Periodic Table; How to Read the Periodic Table; Rules of Electron Arrangement; Build an Atom; Build Your Own Atom; Practice Atomic Mass; Ties to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed; Periodic Table Game; Concentration. Introduction to Concentration. Salinity Map of the Bay; Introduction to Solutions. To restart the game at any time, simply reload the page. How to Play: Use the arrow keys to place the element in its rightful place in the Periodic Table of Elements as fast as possible. LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys: To move the element left or right. UP arrow or Spacebar: To move the element all the way up. Shift or Control key: To get hint. The periodic table is an ingenious construction, but it takes a little explaining. These anchor charts explain the layout and details and are excellent references to use throughout all your periodic table activities. Learn more: Scholastic. Explore an illustrated periodic table chart. Teachers love this chart, and for good reason. The first level starts with basic questions about the structure of periodic table. The game is divided into the following groups and you choose whether to play with symbols or without symbols: Period 1-4, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metals, poor metals, metalloids, nonmetals, halogens and noble gases.

Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol B?
Answer: B is the symbol for the element boron on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Se?
Answer: Se is the symbol for the element selenium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol I?
Answer: I is the symbol for the element iodine on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol S?
Answer: S is the symbol for the element sulfur on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Rg?
Answer: Rg is the symbol for the element roentgenium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Cs?
Answer: Cs is the symbol for the element cesium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Fl?
Answer: Fl is the symbol for the element flerovium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol P?
Answer: P is the symbol for the element phosphorus on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Mt?
Answer: Mt is the symbol for the element meitnerium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Ga?
Answer: Ga is the symbol for the element gallium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Rb?
Answer: Rb is the symbol for the element rubidium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Sn?
Answer: Sn is the symbol for the element tin on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Ce?
Answer: Ce is the symbol for the element cerium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Lr?
Answer: Lr is the symbol for the element lawrencium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol At?
Answer: At is the symbol for the element astatine on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Ac?
Answer: Ac is the symbol for the element actinium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Hs?
Answer: Hs is the symbol for the element hassium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Yb?
Answer: Yb is the symbol for the element ytterbium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Gd?
Answer: Gd is the symbol for the element gadolinium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Mg?
Answer: Mg is the symbol for the element magnesium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Os?
Answer: Os is the symbol for the element osmium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Mn?
Answer: Mn is the symbol for the element manganese on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Es?
Answer: Es is the symbol for the element einsteinium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol As?
Answer: As is the symbol for the element arsenic on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Pt?
Answer: Pt is the symbol for the element platinum on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol F?
Answer: F is the symbol for the element fluorine on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol C?
Answer: C is the symbol for the element carbon on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol V?
Answer: V is the symbol for the element vanadium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Rh?
Answer: Rh is the symbol for the element rhodium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Ge?
Answer: Ge is the symbol for the element germanium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Cd?
Answer: Cd is the symbol for the element cadmium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Ta?
Answer: Ta is the symbol for the element tantalum on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Ne?
Answer: Ne is the symbol for the element neon on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Ds?
Answer: Ds is the symbol for the element darmstadtium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Ts?
Answer: Ts is the symbol for the element tennessine on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Ru?
Answer: Ru is the symbol for the element ruthenium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Sr?
Answer: Sr is the symbol for the element strontium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Rn?
Answer: Rn is the symbol for the element radon on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Be?
Answer: Be is the symbol for the element beryllium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol K?
Answer: K is the symbol for the element potassium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Db?
Answer: Db is the symbol for the element dubnium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Xe?
Answer: Xe is the symbol for the element xenon on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol U?
Answer: U is the symbol for the element uranium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Zn?
Answer: Zn is the symbol for the element zinc on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Co?
Answer: Co is the symbol for the element cobalt on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Hf?
Answer: Hf is the symbol for the element hafnium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Mo?
Answer: Mo is the symbol for the element molybdenum on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Tc?
Answer: Tc is the symbol for the element technetium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Br?
Answer: Br is the symbol for the element bromine on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol W?
Answer: W is the symbol for the element tungsten on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Y?
Answer: Y is the symbol for the element yttrium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol La?
Answer: La is the symbol for the element lanthanum on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Eu?
Answer: Eu is the symbol for the element europium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol He?
Answer: He is the symbol for the element helium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Cl?
Answer: Cl is the symbol for the element chlorine on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Ti?
Answer: Ti is the symbol for the element titanium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Pm?
Answer: Pm is the symbol for the element promethium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Po?
Answer: Po is the symbol for the element polonium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Rf?
Answer: Rf is the symbol for the element rutherfordium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Au?
Answer: Au is the symbol for the element gold on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Pd?
Answer: Pd is the symbol for the element palladium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Si?
Answer: Si is the symbol for the element silicon on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Pu?
Answer: Pu is the symbol for the element plutonium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Fe?
Answer: Fe is the symbol for the element iron on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Am?
Answer: Am is the symbol for the element americium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Ho?
Answer: Ho is the symbol for the element holmium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Lu?
Answer: Lu is the symbol for the element lutetium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Cm?
Answer: Cm is the symbol for the element curium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Pb?
Answer: Pb is the symbol for the element lead on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Tb?
Answer: Tb is the symbol for the element terbium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Kr?
Answer: Kr is the symbol for the element krypton on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Bi?
Answer: Bi is the symbol for the element bismuth on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Er?
Answer: Er is the symbol for the element erbium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Pa?
Answer: Pa is the symbol for the element protactinium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Ca?
Answer: Ca is the symbol for the element calcium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Sb?
Answer: Sb is the symbol for the element antimony on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Sc?
Answer: Sc is the symbol for the element scandium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Ra?
Answer: Ra is the symbol for the element radium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol O?
Answer: O is the symbol for the element oxygen on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Bk?
Answer: Bk is the symbol for the element berkelium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Na?
Answer: Na is the symbol for the element sodium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Lv?
Answer: Lv is the symbol for the element livermorium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Fr?
Answer: Fr is the symbol for the element francium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Cu?
Answer: Cu is the symbol for the element copper on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Tl?
Answer: Tl is the symbol for the element thallium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol In?
Answer: In is the symbol for the element indium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Li?
Answer: Li is the symbol for the element lithium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Sg?
Answer: Sg is the symbol for the element seaborgium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Cf?
Answer: Cf is the symbol for the element californium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Hg?
Answer: Hg is the symbol for the element mercury on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Sm?
Answer: Sm is the symbol for the element samarium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Fm?
Answer: Fm is the symbol for the element fermium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol No?
Answer: No is the symbol for the element nobelium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Ag?
Answer: Ag is the symbol for the element silver on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Og?
Answer: Og is the symbol for the element oganesson on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Ni?
Answer: Ni is the symbol for the element nickel on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol H?
Answer: H is the symbol for the element hydrogen on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Cn?
Answer: Cn is the symbol for the element copernicium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Re?
Answer: Re is the symbol for the element rhenium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol N?
Answer: N is the symbol for the element nitrogen on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Cr?
Answer: Cr is the symbol for the element chromium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Nh?
Answer: Nh is the symbol for the element nihonium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Md?
Answer: Md is the symbol for the element mendelevium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Dy?
Answer: Dy is the symbol for the element dysprosium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Ar?
Answer: Ar is the symbol for the element argon on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Bh?
Answer: Bh is the symbol for the element bohrium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Mc?
Answer: Mc is the symbol for the element moscovium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Te?
Answer: Te is the symbol for the element tellurium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Th?
Answer: Th is the symbol for the element thorium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Al?
Answer: Al is the symbol for the element aluminum on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Ba?
Answer: Ba is the symbol for the element barium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Pr?
Answer: Pr is the symbol for the element praseodymium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Nb?
Answer: Nb is the symbol for the element niobium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Ir?
Answer: Ir is the symbol for the element iridium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Tm?
Answer: Tm is the symbol for the element thulium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Zr?
Answer: Zr is the symbol for the element zirconium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Np?
Answer: Np is the symbol for the element neptunium on the periodic table.
Question: What is the chemical element for the symbol Nd?
Answer: Nd is the symbol for the element neodymium on the periodic table.

That’s right, periodic table mania. The aptly named “Atomic Structure and Periodic Table Mania” by JenKrug makes learning chemistry fun – here’s how…

1. The wording of the question is critical!

Peppered throughout this awesome Periodic Table kahoot are questions that sound almost the same, but aren’t. How well were your chemistry students paying attention? Can they remember which Periodic table was based on atomic number versus the one based on atomic mass?

TOP TIP: Questions like these are a neat little prompt to stop and refresh your learners’ knowledge about atomic mass and atomic number, and the significance of the Periodic Table layout itself.

2. Smart use of special symbols and formatting

OK, so we have to admit we didn’t create our “symbol picker” with electron arrangements front of mind… so seeing this Chemistry teacher use arrows in the answers was a nice little surprise!

TOP TIP: For math and science kahoots, you’re gonna love the symbol picker and formatting tools! Click in any text area and you’ll be able to add superscripts, subscripts, special symbols and foreign characters.

3. Everyday chemistry examples

With complex notation and all this talk of sub-atomic particles, it can be really hard for some students to get their head around chemistry – it just doesn’t feel real. One of the best tricks is to keep bringing it back to real life examples whenever possible.

For example, you might make thermodynamics more accessible just by chatting with the class (in plain English!) about what’s actually happening at a subatomic level as your cup of coffee cools down. This Kahoot!’er used an easy question about everyday chemical mixtures to make basic chemistry a little more tangible.

Top tip for adapting this kahoot: Break it up!

We absolutely love this kahoot, and our resident chemist claims that she learned more about the Periodic Table through one game than she did in her whole first year at university. But… it’s very long, which (depending on how it’s used) could run the risk of pressure or disengagement rather than joy and active learning. We’d really like to see kahoots like this broken up into three or four bite-sized games.

Periodic Table Testing Game

When creating kahoots, think of every single question as an opportunity to learn something. With each question, there is an opportunity for students to refresh their understanding, for the teacher to spot gaps in knowledge, for the class to discuss why they answered in a particular way, and even to go over the basics for a certain subject again.

When kahoots are longer than 10-15 questions and you’re truly using every question as a learning opportunity, everyone starts to feel under a little pressure to rush through. Instead, create short and focused kahoots with some breathing space and the kahoot with be both more fun and more impactful.

Periodic Table Testing Games

Your challenge!

First, go back to the kahoots you’ve created and find one you think is a little too long. Or, if you don’t have one of your own to work with, you can search for a really long but otherwise beautifully crafted kahoot in your favourite subject – you can use our Trending lists as a shortcut, or use quirky keywords in the search to find something cool.

Now, create a perfect little kahoot series based on that one long kahoot. Using the Periodic Table kahoot as an example, here’s how you might break a 32-question kahoot into 4 bite-sized kahoots:

1. Duplicate the same kahoot 4 times.

Periodic Table Test Game

2. Change the title of each duplicate so that you and other Kahoot!’ers recognise them later as part of a series, e.g. Periodic Table Part 1.

3. Edit the first kahoot, deleting all but the first 8 questions, and save.

4. Edit the second kahoot, deleting the first 8 questions and the last 16 questions, and save.

5. And repeat, until you’ve got 4 kahoots without any overlapping questions. You’ve now got yourself a Periodic Table series.

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