
Types Of Adverbs Pdf

  • The 5 Basic Types of Adverbs. Adverbs provide a deeper description of a verb within any sentence. There are five basic types of adverbs in the English language, namely that of Manner, Time, Place, Frequency, and Degree. Here is a brief explanation of the meaning each has, along with example sentences using each type of adverb.
  • Mar 05, 2019 Adverbs are one of the eight parts of speech and are used to modify verbs. They can describe how, when, where, and how often something is done. Here is a guide to the five types of adverbs.
  • Types of adverbs Worksheet-5. See the underlined adverb and state its kind: Mother bakes cakes twice a month. Relative adverb B. Adverb of manner. Adverb of degree D. Adverb of frequency. He always waits for her. Adverb of frequency B. Relative adverb.
  • Adverbs: worksheets pdf, handouts to print, printable exercises. Adverbs of frequency, place, manner, degree, duration, relative, time.
  • Mar 23, 2017 (Adverb of time) 2. The dog sat lazily in the shade of the tree. (Adverb of manner) 3. The man grumbled loudly while cleaning the table. (Adverb of manner) 4. I often visit my grandparents. (Adverb of frequency) 5. It is extremely hot today. (Adverb of degree) 6. Please wait patiently. (Adverb of manner) 7. The technician fixed the problem.
  • Dec 19, 2017 Adverbs of Judgement (Types of adverbs) We can use the evaluative adverbs to make judgments about someone’s actions, including our own, such as bravely, carelessly, fairly, foolishly, generously, kindly, rightly, spitefully, stupidly, unfairly, wisely, wrongly, etc. Examples: She kindly lent me her bicycle. The jacket is very generously cut.

Adverb and Its Types with Examples PDF: Rules in English Grammar Adverb and Its Kind

(Very modifies the adverb slowly.) Clearly, Sarah did not understand the directions. (Clearly modifies the sentence.) The box is still below the stairs. (Still modifies the phrase “below the stairs.”) Types of Adverbs Adverbs of Time An adverb of time answers the question When? Adverbs of time include: after, always, before, during, early.

An adverb is a word used to add something to the meaning of a verb, adjective or another adverb. It is said to modify verbs, adjectives and adverbs. For example

(i) She is walking slowly.

(ii) She is very intelligent.

(iii) She is walking very slowly.

1. Adverb of time : Before, ago, lately, yet, now, soon, yesterday, already, never.

2. Adverb of frequency : Always, once, seldom, usually, rarely etc.

3. Adverb of place : Here, everywhere, down, near, away, backward, upward

4. Adverb of manner : /authentication-session-has-expired-microsoft-office-mac.html. Slowly, so, soundly, delightfully.

5. Adverb of affirmation and negation : Certainly, apparently, obviously, no, undoubtedly

6. Adverb of degree : Almost, fully, very, enough, rather, quite, too, really

7. Interrogative adverb : How, what, when, why

8. Relative adverb : When, where, why, how.

Relative adverbs are used to make an adjective clause.

He was born in the year when I left India. (‘in which/on which’)

He does not like to stay at the hotel where they are staying. (‘in which/at which’)

Don’t you know the reason why she did not marry? (‘for which’)

You are supposed to know the manner how they cheated you. (‘in which/by which’).

Rule I

Adjective qualifies a noun and a pronoun whereas adverb modifies a verb, an adjective and an adverb. For example

(i) Her act was remarkable. (✓)

(ii) She acted remarkably to achieve success. (✓)

(iii) She ran quicker than I. (Say ‘more quickly’ for ‘quicker’)

(iv) She is a very skilful dancer. (✓)

(v) She dances very skilfully. (✓)

Rule II

Adverbs of time such as Always, often, already, just, never, ever, sometimes, frequently, generally, recently, usually, seldom, hardly, rarely, normally etc are generally placed before the verb they modify. For example

(i) My brother comes often every Sunday. (Place ‘often’ before ‘comes’)

(ii) He goes usually to the movie every Friday. (Place ‘usually’ before ‘goes’)

(iii) He never talks ill of friends. (✓)

(iv) He is always satisfied. (✓)

Rule III

Adverbs of manners are placed only after the Intransitive verb. However, the adverb can be placed either before or after the transitive verb. For example

(i) He returned immediately. (✓)

(ii) He briefly narrated the incident to me. (✓)

(iii) He narrated to me the incident briefly. (✓)

(iv) He soundly slept last night. (Place ‘soundly’ after ‘slept’)

Rule IV

If the sentence is introduced by an adverb, inverted form of the verb is used for the sake of emphasis. e.g.

(i) Seldom he visits his parents. (☓)

(ii) Seldom does he visit his parents. (✓)

(iii) He seldom visits his parents.(✓)

(iv) Not seldom does he visit his parents. (✓)

(v) Never I’ll see her again. (✓)

(vi) Never will I see her again.

(vii) I’ll never see her again. (✓)

(viii) She no sooner reached the station than she met her friend. (✓)

(ix) No sooner did she reach the station than she met her friend. (✓)

(x) She had hardly reached the station when the train arrived. (✓)

(xi) Hardly/scarcely had she reached the station when the train arrived. Vci intel desktop board driver for mac. (✓)

(xii) So quickly she ran that she overtook her rivals. (Use ‘so quickly did she run’).

Rule V : Use of Else and Other

Else‘ should be followed by ‘but‘.

Other‘ and ‘otherwise‘ are followed by ‘than’ e.g.

(i) It is nothing else than sheer madness. (Use ‘but’ in place of ‘than’)

(ii) She had no other alternative but stay here. (Use ‘than’ in place of ‘but’)

(iii) She has no one else to look after her except me. (Use ‘but’ in place of ‘except’)

Rule VI

Both ‘never‘ and ‘not‘ are adverbs. The use of ‘never’ for ‘not’ is incorrect. e.g.,

(i) I never went to Ooty last year. (Use ‘did not’ go in place of ‘never’)

(ii) I never remember to have said so. (Use ‘do not’ in place of ‘never’)

(iii) I remember never to have said so. (✓)


I don’t remember to have said so.

(iv) I never allow my son to go out in dark. (Correct/habitual action)

Rule VII

Note the use of phrases.

‘Seldom or never’, ‘seldom, if ever’, ‘little or nothing’, ‘little, if anything’.

The phrases ‘seldom or ever’ and ‘little or anything’ are wrong in use. e.g.

(i) We seldom or ever meet our relatives these days. (☓)

(ii) We seldom or never (seldom, if ever) meet our relatives these days. (✓)


Negative adverbs should not be used with the words negative in meaning. So two negative should be avoided.

‘Seldom, nowhere, never, nothing, hardly, scarcely, neither, barely, rarely’ are some of the adverbs expressing negative meaning. e.g.

(i) I rarely went to meet nobody across the road. (Use ‘anybody’ in place of ‘nobody’)

(ii) She hardly knows somebody in the town. (Say ‘anybody’ in place of ‘somebody’)

(iii) I hardly know somebody in the town. (Say ‘anybody’ in place of ‘somebody’)

(iv) He does nothing without never consulting me. (Use ‘ever’ for ‘never’)

(v) They do not seldom come here. (Remove ‘do not’)

(vi) This will not help him, nothing ever does. (Use ‘ever’ for ‘never’)

(vii) He does not write well and I do not write neither. (Say ‘either’)

Note : (I) Avoid the use of negative, with ‘deny, forbid’ and ‘both’.

(i) She denied that she had not given him books. (Delete ‘not’)

(ii) (a) Both of us are not going there. (☓)

(b) Neither of us is going there. (✓)

(II) Avoid the use of negative with Conjunctions – until, unless, lest

Rule IX

Given below are some of the examples of the words being treated as adverbs whereas they are adjectives or nouns. e.g.,

(A) Manly, masterly, slovenly, monthly, weekly, sickly, friendly, orderly, gentlemanly are adjectives and should not be confused with adverbs.

(B) Coward, miser, niggard are nouns.

‘Cowardly, miserly, niggardly’ are adjectives.

Types Of Adverbs Exercises Pdf

‘In a cowardly, miserly, niggardly manner’ are used as adverbs.

(C) Fast, straight, outright, direct, hard, hardly, late, light, high, safe, quiet etc are used both as an adjective and adverb.

(D)Loudly‘ and ‘Aloud‘ are adverbs though different in meanings. ‘Loud’ is an adjective.

(E) Late, lately

Late is both an adjective & an adverb

Lately is an adverb. (Recently)

(F)Hard is both an adjective and adverb used in affirmative sense.

Hardly is an adverb used in negative meaning. e.g.

(i) A soldier is trained never to fight cowardly. (Use ‘in a cowardly manner’)

(ii) I have never come across a coward Indian soldier. (Use ‘cowardly’ in place of ‘coward’)

(iii) The darkness closed in even as she was returning home fastly. (Use ‘fast’ in place of ‘fastly’)

(iv) You must learn to behave manly in the face of danger. (Use ‘manfully’ in place of ‘manly’)

(v) He is earning five hundred rupees monthly. (Say ‘a month’)

(vi) She is doing this work good these days. (Say ‘well’ for ‘good’)

(vii) Rohit always comes lately to school. (Say ‘late’ for ‘lately’)

(viii) He is coward. (Use ‘a’ before ‘coward’)

(ix) The teacher asked the students to talk loudly. (Say ‘aloud’)

(x) We must try to preserve hardly won freedom. (Use ‘hard’ in place of ‘hardly’)

Types Of Interjections

(xi) Please keep the things in the room orderly. (Use ‘in order’ or ‘in orderly manner’ in place of ‘orderly’)

(xii) She rejected my application outrightly. (Say ‘outright’)

(xiii) Outright rejection of my plan disappointed me. (✓)

Rule X

The use of ‘very, much, so, too, enough, rather’.

(A) ‘Very’ modifies present participle used as adjective, adverb and adjective in positive degree. ‘Much’ is used with comparative degree and past participle. e.g.,

(i) It is a much interesting picture. (Use ‘very’ in place of ‘much’)

(ii) I was very exhausted in the evening. (Use ‘much’ in place of ‘very’)

(iii) She did this work very quickly. (✓)

(iv) She is much wiser than her mother. (✓)

(v) She is very tired after a day’s work. (✓)

Note : Student should note the use of ‘very’ and ‘much’ in superlative degree. e.g.,

(i) She is the very best teacher in our school. (Here ‘very’ mean ‘really’)

(ii) She is much the best teacher in our school. (Here ‘much’ means ‘decidedly’)

(iii) She is by far the best teacher in our college. (‘by far’ means ‘to a large extent’)

(B) ‘So’ and ‘too’ should not be used without ‘that’ (Adverb clause) and ‘to’ (Infinitive) respectively.

‘Very’ and ‘much’ may be used in the place of so and too.

(i) My brother is so healthy. (Use ‘very’ in place of ‘so’)

(ii) She is very kind. (Here ‘very’ means ‘to a great extent’)

(iii) She is too poor to study further. (✓)

(iv) She is so poor that she cannot study further. (✓)

(v) She is too healthy. (Over healthy) say ‘very’ for too)

(vi) It is too bad. (✓)

(C)Enough‘ is both an adjective and adverb. As an adverb, it is always placed after the adjective it modifies.

As an adjective it is placed before a noun. e.g.

(i) She is enough wise to allow her son to go. (Place ‘enough’ after ‘wise’)

(ii) He has enough money to spend. (✓)

(iii) She is too kind to help everybody. (Say ‘kind enough’ very kind in place of ‘too’ )

(iv) She is too weak to pass. (✓)

(D) The use of ‘rather’

(a) ‘Rather’ is an adverb of degree like ‘fairly, quite, pretty (to some degree)’. e.g.,

(i) She is rather intelligent.

(ii) He is walking rather slowly.

(b) ‘Rather’ can also be used before a noun.e.g.,

(i) It is rather a nuisance.

(ii) It is rather a good step. (or a rather good step)

Note : Article ‘a’, ‘an’ should be placed before a noun. If there is an adjective with a noun, articles ‘a’, ‘an’ may be placed either before or after ‘rather’.

(c) ‘Rather’ is also in case of preference- ‘would rather, had rather, rather than’ are used to express preference.

Rule XI

Note the difference between too, as well, also.

(a) ‘Too, as well, also’ are used in the sense of ‘besides’, ‘in addition to’ in affirmative sentences. But ‘also’ cannot be used at end position.

(i) She found her bag and money too/as well.

(ii) She plays the piano and the harmonium as well/too.

(iii) She found her bag and money also. (say ‘also money’)

(b) So + auxiliary + subject is used in affirmative sentences in relation to two persons doing one action.

(i) She won the prize and so did her sister. (win)

(ii) His wife plays piano and so does he. (play)

(c) Neither + auxiliary + subject is used in negative sentences in relation to two persons doing one action.

(i) He does not write well and neither do I. (write)

(ii) She will not lend money and neither will he. (lend)

Rule XII

While answering a question the adverb ‘yes’ or ‘no’ should be used according to the affirmative and negative answer. e.g.

(i) Have you taken food?

(ii) Yes, I have not taken so far? (Use ‘No’ in place of ‘Yes’)


(A) Adverb ‘as‘ should be used to introduce predicative of the verbs ‘regard, describe, define, treat, view, know’.

(B) Adverb ‘as’ should be avoided to introduce predicative of the verbs ‘name, elect, think, consider, call, appoint, make, choose’ e.g.,

(i) I regard him my brother. (Add ‘as’ after ‘him’)

(ii) Science has been defined the study of nature. (Add ‘as’ after ‘defined’)

(iii) She is considered as the best dancer in the town. (Drop ‘as’ after ‘considered’)

(iv) The teacher called him as stupid. (Drop ‘as’)

(v) The principal appointed him as peon. (Remove ‘as’)

(vi) He thinks her as a fool. (Remove ‘as’)

(vii) He was elected as the secretary of our club. (Remove ‘as’)

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5 Types of Adverbs

As with all adverbs, they tell us more about the verb. There are 5 different types of adverbs.

For example, adverbs can describe when (adverbs of time) or where (adverbs of place) something happens.

Adverbs of manner express how something happens by simply adding -ly (in most cases).

Instead of a list of adverbs with examples, let’s examine the 5 different types of adverbs including adverbs of degree, frequency, manner, place and time.

1 Adverbs of Degree

For adverbs that answer “how much” or to “what extent”, the are adverbs of degree. For example, they usually modify other verbs, adjectives or adverbs making them stronger or weaker.

These types of adverbs modify adjectives but not the other way around. In other words, adverbs can combine with other adverbs to put more emphasis on the verb. When you use ‘more’, ‘most’ and ‘least’, they can show degree when describing a verb.

  • He’s very good at playing the piano.
  • She’s almost always late arriving at school.
  • It’s pretty interesting to see the history of China.
  • The English test was extremely difficult.
  • When he wears his running shoes, he moves more quickly among everyone.

2 Adverbs of Frequency

Adverbs of frequency express “how often” something takes place. In other words, it explains the intensity of occurrence that an event happens. Adverbs of frequency are usually in this form: Subject + Adverb + Verb

Types Of Adverbs Sentence

Adverb of FrequencyHow Often
Hardly Ever10%

In addition, adverbs like “daily”, “weekly”, “monthly” and “yearly” describe frequency. But these adverbs of frequency answer “how often” in a more specific way.

  • I usually go to the gym on weekends.
  • She always wake up at 7:00 am.
  • The family rarely eat brown rice for dinner.
  • I never take sick days.

3 Adverbs of Manner

Adverbs of manner express how something happens. In most cases for adverbs of manner, you can take an adjective and simply add -ly to form an adverb. For example, if you take take the sentence – “The cat is quick (adjective).”

Instead of describing a noun, an adverb describes or modifies a verb. In this case, the noun is the word ‘cat’. Because adverbs describe verbs, you need to add a verb in the sentence. For example, you can use the verb “to run” in this form – “The cat runs quickly.”

Adverbs of manner tell us the way or how to do something. However, not all adverbs end with -ly. For example, the words ‘fast’ and ‘well’ describe verbs but do not end in -ly.

  • The cat runs quickly.
  • She plays the violin terribly.
  • The horse moved fast.
  • She plays the piano well.

4 Adverbs of Place

Adverbs of Place describe “where” an action takes place. In addition, we usually find adverbs of place after the main verb.

For example, “indoors”, “next week” and “still” all describe where something happens. Again, we often find these adverbs of place after a verb in a sentence.



  • If you want to see the hot air balloon, you will have to go outside.
  • When she entered the classroom, she sat down.
  • I searched everywhere but I couldn’t find him.
  • He walks downstairs to meet his father.

5 Adverbs of Time

As with all adverbs, they tell us more about the verb. For adverbs of time, they tell us when the verb happened or will happen. For example, “afterwards”, “every day” and “recently’ are adverbs of time and describe “when”.

Types Of Adverbs Pdf Free

On the other hand, adverbs of time can describe the duration of an event occurs. Also, it can show when an action is complete.


Adverbs Of Manner

  • We’ll go to the festival tomorrow.
  • Yesterday, we played in the basketball tournament.
  • She’ll eventually finish studying and go to university.
  • They ate popcorn and watched movies all day.

The 5 Types of Adverbs

As with all adverbs, they tell us more about the verb. For adverbs of time, place, manner, frequency and degree, we’ve provided examples that we use in every day English.

All things considered, adverbs are common parts of speech and sentence structure.

Despite the subtle differences between these 5 types of adverbs, let’s hear some adverb examples that you know of.

And if you want to teach adverb types, check out our free adverb worksheets that you can use in your classroom today.